DV Birdwatching | Washington, DC
Deliverable: Logo, Website Coded from Scratch
As a capstone project for my University of Michigan Front End Web Development Certificate I built a website from scratch for a friend who bird watches. He needed a site that could showcase his nature photography, track the birds he’d seen across the United States via blog posts, and generally spread the love for birdwatching.
I wireframed three main pages, designed any required elements such as a logo, and then began coding the site into existence using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The site was built using media queries for responsive design across screen-types.
The project features an about page with general information about my friend and his affiliated birdwatching organizations so users could learn more about getting into birdwatching. I included two user experience options for searching his bird database, by bird name and by location. The blog had a directory at the top, alphabetically organized, with links to each bird’s entry. The interactive map allowed users to click into a state, see which birds were found there, and then link to their individual blog entries if the user wanted to learn more. The website received top marks from my class.